Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.
He is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2: 10-11
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.
He is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2: 10-11

Glad Tidings
A night so still and gentle, brought tidings to behold;
a weary couple thankful for shelter from the cold.
And when their newborn baby drew an innocent first breath,
creation dawned anew for us inside that humble crèche.
A song so sweet and elegant rose up on angels’ wing,
floating through the soft night air, its mission now to bring
Good News to lowly shepherds who, startled at the sight,
hurried then to witness this wonder in the night.
A star at once appearing, heralded his birth,
announcing that the Son of God now dwelled upon the earth.
Astronomers and Wise Men then journeyed far to see,
The King of Kings, who this young child was destined now to be.
Prophecies at last fulfilled through one young woman’s “Yes,”
and darkness ever-conquered by a small, unlikely guest.
And through it all, the baby slept upon a bed of straw,
his parents keeping vigil, while treasuring it all.
So on this Christmas morning, amidst the games and toys,
listen for glad tidings in the laughter and the noise.
In the multitude of presents, find the treasure rare and true,
the gift of God’s salvation that he now gives to you.
Look to the sky at evening in search of brilliant star.
Hear the angels’ tender hymn streaming from afar.
Welcome Jesus to your heart, and feel the Peace he brings.
Pause a moment on this day to Praise the Newborn King!
A Mom on Spin
© December, 2005