Monday, January 16, 2012

Words I Hate

 Once before, when I fancied myself a vocabularian, I wrote a post entitled The Language of Giggles. 

That post was all about the words I absotutely adore.

Now that I'm a Mouse-a-Phobic, I offer you instead the words that I adamently abhor:

Scurry. . .Scamper. . .Wriggle. . . Slither
Swishy .. . Nibble. . . Sneaky. . .Twitchy
Flurry. . .Tamper . . .Squiggle. . .Quiver
Fishy. .  .Dribble. . .Freaky. . .Itchy

Dirty. .  . Furry. . .Filthy. . .Stinky
Hurty. . .Blurry. . . Stealthy.. . Blinky
Hairy. . .Smelly. . . Putrid. . .Squatter
Scary. . .Yelly. . .Stupid. . .Fodder

Turning. . . Lying. . . Danger . . .Waver
Squishy. . .Squashy. . .Tumble. . .Tossy
Churning. . .Crying. . .Changer. . . Caver
Wishy. . .Washy. . .Bumble. . .Bossy

Frightened. . .Racing. . . Cower. . .Fleeing
Tightened. . Pacing. . . Anxious. . .Being
Panic. .  . Fearing. . .Trauma. . .Stumble 
Frantic . . Tearing. . . Drama. . . Crumble

Meaty. . . Muddy. . .Messy. . . Chewy
Beady. . .Bloody. . .Fleshy. . .Gooey
Cautious. . .Greyish. . .Oooey. . .Stewy
Nauseous. . .Preyish . . .Ratatouille!

And with that said, I lovingly remain. . .

p.s. Let me just state for the record that - although it conjures up a  messy and out-of-control image for me - I have not abandoned my affection for the word akimbo!