Monday, August 14, 2017

Lattes and Authorhood

I'm thinking that I ought to gather my devices and begin to hang out in coffee shops instead of the corner of my living room couch, because that's what authors do.  Right?

And I'm preparing answers in my mind for all of the questions that will be posed during the myriad of author interviews which will follow in the wake of publishing Drying My Tears.  Here are just a few I've come up with:

  • What do your fans mean to you?  If I actually have fans, it means that they are currently one of the 14 people who have read my book and so I love them!
  • When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?  The answer to this one is easy: SLEEPING!
  • How do you approach cover design?  I approach a cover by designing anything that is free.
  • Can you describe what your desk looks like?  It's soft and plushy.  It has pillows that match.  It's a chair and a desk all in one.  Why it's my living room couch!
  • Do you encounter obstacles while trying to write?  Well, we could start by talking about "Drain Clog" (a.k.a. brain fog) and then move on to feeling "Sabulous" (all dried out) which has resulted in corneal erosions and vision disturbances.  No discussion of obstacles would be complete without mention of my ever-present fatigue, including the almost-daily "Walking Dead Wipeout".
How am I doing?  Looking forward to the lattes!  Please make mine a Hot Grande Skim, and my name is . . .
 What is my name, anyway???