You know. . . sometimes I'm sure that my life has some sort of cosmic, psychic, voodoo-ey thing going on.
Do you believe that some things can be more than just "coincidental"?
I'm convinced that sometimes I only have to think of something to make it happen. No really! I think about someone. . . I see them at the deli counter. I look at my phone. . . it often starts to ring. I doubt my daughter's story. . . turns out she's lying. (Okay, you don't have to be a psychic brain surgeon to figure that one out!)
But I think today some great cosmic communication wires got a tad bit crossed and knotted.
For those of you who read yesterday's blog (and shame on you if you think you can just scroll on down and read it now!) you'll know that I was talking about giving used (gently-worn if you prefer) sweatshirts as a gift.
But little did I guess that the psychic pendulum would swing back my way so quickly.
Now when you work for a church like I do, you're very often in contact with those who need a little help making ends meet . . . enter my dear friend we'll call "Fannie Dae Kell" who comes to me twice a month for some church-issued food cards (along with whatever cash she can get me to extract from my own wallet.)
And now that Christmas has rolled around, she realizes that it's time for giving back - quite literally. She came in today with presents for the entire staff (which she asked me to wrap, of course.) And what had she purchased for us?
~ The Music Minister got a make-up case.
~ The Parish Secretary, a new pair of earrings.
~ Priest Number 1 was gifted with a new black T-shirt with poker chips on it that said "Play or Die. . .Los Vegas!" (Living proof that what happens in Vegas should have stayed in Vegas!)
~ Priest Number 2 received two pairs from a three-pack of socks. (I wonder who got the other one. . . )
~ And as for me? What did A Mom on Spin get, you ask. . .
Well, Fannie Dae Kell gave me a not-so-gently-used-red-leather-purse-with-evidence-of-some-other-person's-life-still-in-it-in-the-form-of-fuzzy-tissue-droppings-and-two-tubes-of-used-lipstick!
Told you I was psychic!
I asked for a used item . . . I received one!!!