In order to qualify, the following must be true regarding the preceding three nights and two days:
Well, if you read yesterday's post you already know that my youngest daughter blew item #5 on her best friend's birthday. (In my humble opinion $180 is too much for any parent to fork over for a night out.)
We also had a very close call with item #2 when my husband discovered that one daughter had put 3,000 miles on her car in one single month! (Where was that girl driving driving ????)
#9 is questionable as well because a credit card with a $3,000 credit limit arrived in the mail and was snatched up in no time by Daughter #1.
And as for #10. . . Does the phrase You don't deserve to know anything about my life! equal an I hate you!???
It sure felt like it to me at the time it was said.
Let's face it. . . it was a LONG weekend. Wish me better luck next time!
- No phone calls from the local police department.
- No little "incidents" to raise our car insurance rates.
- No trips to the Emergency Room.
- Every water bottle on the premises was found to contain H2O and not Vodka.
- Miscellaneous out-of-pocket withdrawals from parents totaled less than $100.
- No unauthorized use of credit cards.
- Total of all iTune debits less than $10.
- No interesting "discoveries" found while dumpster-diving through piles of clothing on bedroom floors.
- No truancy, detention, deficiency, unpaid ticket or license-revoked notices received in the mail.
and last, but certainly not least, - No . . . . I hate you's!
Well, if you read yesterday's post you already know that my youngest daughter blew item #5 on her best friend's birthday. (In my humble opinion $180 is too much for any parent to fork over for a night out.)
We also had a very close call with item #2 when my husband discovered that one daughter had put 3,000 miles on her car in one single month! (Where was that girl driving driving ????)
#9 is questionable as well because a credit card with a $3,000 credit limit arrived in the mail and was snatched up in no time by Daughter #1.
And as for #10. . . Does the phrase You don't deserve to know anything about my life! equal an I hate you!???
It sure felt like it to me at the time it was said.
Let's face it. . . it was a LONG weekend. Wish me better luck next time!