What's with the Haiku?
They're heady, brilliant, that's true.
Are lim'ricks taboo?
Why is everyone writing Haiku all of the sudden? (Yes, I wikied it, and haiku is the plural of haiku.)
Hello!!!! Do you know what month this is????? Yes, it's the month of March. . . And do we celebrate St. Kamono's Day in March??? Or St. Tamagucchi????
I think not.
But we do celebrate St. Patrick's Day. . .the patron saint of Ireland. . . you know, the country where he drove out the snakes and stuff. . . and the fair isle where Limerick is located. . . home of The Limerick!!!!We should be writing Limericks in March people!!!
In fact, in honor of my forth-coming present from Heather Kathleen at A Mouthy Irish Woman I have decided to pay it forward and start a Limerick contest on this blog. The winner will receive an autographed first-edition copy of my almost-completed-and ready-to-be published book of silly limericks, entitled If A Word Rhymes with Silly. . . . (Not to be confused, dear reader, with my fully-completed-and-ready-to-be-published manuscript on raising teenage daughters. . . nor my two other fully-completed-and-dying-to have-a-publisher-take-a-look-at-them books of religious poetry for children. . . Yes, I am quite prolific, don't you agree? )
So write your limerick and post it in my comment section. I will declare the winner ten days from now on March 17th!
Well, here's a little Limerick to start you out, people. . .
The Trio from Rio
There once was a girl from Brazil
who danced with seduction and skill.
Each night she would samba,
then sashay the rumba,
and tango ‘til she had her fill.
When one day this young lass named Jill,
met a young lad we’ll call Phil,
she invited him over,
to dance Bassa Nova,
and – let’s say – he gave Jill a thrill.
And suddenly, to their dismay,
they found themselves in a strange way.
They traveled to Rio,
where two became trio,
and their young son, they named Jay.
So listen, young women and men,
along with each Ben, Ken, and Jen:
If you samba that way,
be ready to say,
“I do”, “I will”, and “Amen!”
I know that was longer than a traditional limerick, but I'm not too good at restraint.There once was a girl from Brazil
who danced with seduction and skill.
Each night she would samba,
then sashay the rumba,
and tango ‘til she had her fill.
When one day this young lass named Jill,
met a young lad we’ll call Phil,
she invited him over,
to dance Bassa Nova,
and – let’s say – he gave Jill a thrill.
And suddenly, to their dismay,
they found themselves in a strange way.
They traveled to Rio,
where two became trio,
and their young son, they named Jay.
So listen, young women and men,
along with each Ben, Ken, and Jen:
If you samba that way,
be ready to say,
“I do”, “I will”, and “Amen!”
and p.s. If no one submits an entry, I'll just keep the book - in all its greatness - to myself and laugh myself to sleep each night.