I will be Bloggerless, Twitterless, and Googleless for the next three or four days. . . not because I'm going anywhere exotic . . . but simply because I need to resume my Priestess duties once again. (Don't worry, it's not voodoo this time, but the plain old boring Catholic kind. . . )
But, you say, I thought you were going to the Shore for Easter??? (I'm from Jersey, remember? We don't go to the beach, we go to the shore. . . unless, of course, we're already at the shore and want to go and sit on the beach. . . )
Yes, my friends, I was supposed to go to the shore for Easter. . . but when the Associate Pastor has emergency eye surgery, it seems I need to step in to my priestess role. . .
And so, for the next four days, I will be the chief flower-placer, reading preparer, lighting dimmer, bell ringer, collection taker, candle lighter, and cup washer. I will personally oversee the decoration and re-decoration of that beautiful church (up there at the top of this post) about ten times within the next four days - as more than four thousand people come and go from its pews. I will come home each evening smelling like a strange mix of incense, hydrangeas, holy oils, and altar wine. . .
It's tough work being a Princess! (Whoops! I meant Priestess!)
So all of that was simply to tell you why I won't be hanging around here until after the bunny has left his little droppings at my house on Easter Morning.
Wishing you all a happy and holy Easter
and a blessed Passover,
I am - as always . . . .
p.s. And don't you be sorry for me giving up my shore weekend. . . the big guy has promised me lots of time off after Easter and I'm going to head there then . . . all by myself!!!!