The Gayatri Mantra
Throughout all realms of experience,
‘That’essential nature illuminating existence,
is the adorable One.
May all beings perceive through subtle and meditative intellect,
the magnificent brilliance of enlightened awareness.
So yesterday I told you all about the new, meditative and spiritual me. . .
So how did Day Two go? you might ask. . .
Well for all who are dying to know, I now present to you. . . How a Mom on Spin Meditates - otherwise known as - How a Mom on Spin Empties Her Head in Order to Achieve Interior Silence.
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Hey, I like those chimes. . . gotta get me some . . . I wonder where you buy them. . . like in a yoga store or something. . . do they have yoga stores. . . definitely not in Walmart. . . I looked there today when I was buying the new vacuum cleaner. . . word. . . I'm supposed to have a word. . . mantra is what I think it is. . . but the priest on You Tube called it a word . . . so word it is . . . yesterday I used shepherd. . . but I don't like that word anymore. . . as a matter of fact I'm bored with it. . . when my mind starts wandering I'm supposed to gently return to my word. . . and I don't even like my word . . I've got it. . . light. . . what an original beauty. . . God is light. . . love is light. . . love is God. . . the light of the world and all that. . . and bad things are dark. . . those who live in the light have nothing to hide . . . don't hide your light under a bushel. . . there are endless possibilities. . . light it is. . . light. . . if I'm not mistaken my neck is starting to hurt a bit. . . I suppose there's no harm in a doing a few neck excercises while I'm at it. . . you know . . . stretching like. . . stretching is good for the body. . . light. . . sitting on this futon was a great idea. . . yoga blanket under my feet. . . Brilliant!. . . I'm brilliant. . . God is going to speak to me through my interior silence. . . light. . . maybe I should look at the candle. . . what kind of dummy chooses light as a mantra and doesn't stare at the candle flame. . . no use being so hard on myself. . .didn't I just call myself brilliant for the choice of seating. . . thank God I gave up reading Ulysses. . . self-preservation is what that stoppage was. . . this little light of mine. . . I'm gonna let it shine. . . how come this centering thing worked last night. . . I was into it. . . all shepherd-y and such . . . feeling happy and fulfilled. . . forgt about my troubles. . . carried on the shepherd's shoulders. . . I was in the presence. . . yes, I repeat. . . I was in the presence. . . don't know what's wrong with me tonight. . . maybe it was the wine. . . I'm sure it's not my word choice . . . light is a good and faithful word. . . would it hurt to go and get myself a glass of wine. . . fruit of the vine . . . work of human hands and all that stuff. . . light . . . then I'd just be an empty-headed drunk. . . that is definitely not what I am searching for. . . what - again - am I searching for . . . . inner peace and tranquility. . . en-light-en-ment. . . . I want to be the one who controls my state of mind. . . I 'm tired of letting others' energy get in the way of mine. . . bringing me down. . . for now I live in the light. . . speaking of energy. . . that new vacuum cleaner sucked like a mother. . . who would have known all of that dog hair was residing in the recesses of the living room carpet. . . the box said it even gets dust mites. . . I might just do the bed when I'm finished. . . how many dust mites did I read live in a mattress . . . . light. . . light. . . light. . . talk to me. . . talk to me God. . . speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. . .
Mom? Mom?
I'm really bored! Can I go get ice cream with Johnny?
No! You're sick! You might have the swine flu!
Well can he come over then?
Why not???? I'm bored! You're the one who said I couldn't go to school today, not me!
Didn't I tell you I was meditating up here? Why are you bothering me in the middle of this???
Well, if you would give me the right answer, I wouldn't bother you anymore. . .
Here's hoping I have better luck tomorrow. . .