My best friend's best friend passed away earlier today.
And I'm still breathing. . .
That's just one reason I love being a woman.
You see, once we outgrow those awkward years where being best friends is the end-all and be-all, we can benefit from the love and friendship of a whole host of best friends. . .
We have best friends from our early childhood days. . .and no one can ever replace those memories we share with them.
We have best friends from high school . . . or college. . . who share a whole different set of experiences with us.
We have best friends who we work with. . . who we live close to. . . and those who we share the perils and pitfalls of our lives . . . or child rearing with. . .
If we are really lucky we have a husband. . . or a sister. . . or a mother . . . who we can call best.
And I dare say. . . we might even have a best blogging friend with whom we share out innermost thoughts . . .
Whatever I am to whoever you are, I consider myself privledged to have a friend like you who will call on me in a time of sorrow. . . and I hope and pray you were able to find comfort in my brand of best. . .
Now that was deep!