Life is ever-changing in A Mom on Spin's household.
Was it just yesterday that I was bemoaning Trigger's move to college???? Well, today I've had a chance to see things from another perspective. . .
Veggie is now safely ensconced in the U.K. ( with all thoughts of Paris safely behind her) and hasn't overdrawn her bank account in almost two weeks.
Trigger is - by all accounts - happy with her choice of colleges. Her one and only phone call to me was to ensure that I had, indeed, loaded her student card with plenty of flex dollars. . .
And Ponzi has safely negotiated the drive to The Shore (the Jersey Girl's equivalent of going to the Beach) and will not return until the weekend.
And me? I have retired to my new study for the night . . . giggling.
Simply giggling. . .
hee. . .hee. . . hee. . .