There are few things in life that compare with the stresses associated with sending a teenage daughter off to college. . . and I'm not sure I can objectively talk about those stresses right now.
For Trigger and Mr. Drip Dry leave first thing in the morning.
And let me just say that I have been wildly vacillating between feeling despondent that she's leaving. . . feeling happy that she's leaving. . . feeling guilty for feeling happy that she's leaving . . . feeling annoyed at her lack of packing before leaving. . . feeling hurt at her quick retorts about her leaving . . . feeling broke from all of the money that has flown out of my bank account upon her leaving. . . feeling irritated at my husband who is equally uptight about her leaving. . . feeling inadequate that I cannot tolerate her leaving. . . feeling grateful that Drip Dry is there to facilitate her leaving. . . feeling overwhelmed at the amount of stuff that must be accumulated before her leaving. . . feeling skeptical that she really needs a mani/pedi before her leaving. . . and feeling more-than-a-little-grouchy about the amount of friends who absolutely must be wined/dined/entertained/cried-upon before her leaving. . .
And so it all comes down to this. . . Leave already! Would 'ya????
I'm a mess.
I mean it.
A freakin' frackin' mess. . .
I love the freakin' frackin' thing. . . don't you???