So I've noticed that some of my fellow bloggers have been sporting a badge that says I'm an L.G. Text-Ed Ambassador. It seems those folks at BlogHer are running a five-week program where various parents discuss teens and texting. And, yes, they're doing a good job of alerting the public to the dangers of mobile bullying. . . sexting. . . and distracted driving. They're also offering tips on how to set ground rules for your teen's phone use and how an unsuspecting parent can decode teen's texting lingo. . .
But what about Mother Harassment? Does anyone else recognize the danger to a mother's mental health when her own flesh and blood lobby a grenade at their mother via a text and then run on to the nearest Frat party, tanning salon, or football game?
And as I read through the posts on decoding texting lingo, one of the acronyms I see brought up again and again is KPC, which stands for Keep Parents Clueless.
Clueless? I could only wish!
The following are some real-time texts I have received from my college-aged daughters over the course of the last few weeks. . .
I need lollipops!
I need slippers!
I've lost my phone charger so you better stop trying to talk to me!
I need my rainboots! And three pairs of Ugggs.
Buy me a coffeemaker. I'm spending waaaaaay too much $ on coffee!
I don't know how to fax things!
Did you send my stuff yet?
No problem! (Whoops! Correction . . . THAT particular text was from my niece!!!)
I forgot to send the forms. I'll send them now but I need them back by tomorrow!
How much money do I have in my bank account?
U r supposed to know this stuff!
You told me not to overdraw!
What's my user name and password?
I don't know how to do that!
The food here stinks!
Sleeping? Why r u asleep already?
I'll tell you why I'm asleep. . . because I'm exhausted from being your mother and the only remedy I know is to hop into bed and pull the covers up over my head and pretend I no longer exist!!!
And next time, my friends, we'll move on to the Joys of Facebook Messaging. . .