Monday, December 5, 2011

No Party Hat for Me!

It's over.

The big day.

25 years of wedded bliss.

Perhaps I should qualify that.  . .  close to 25 years of wedded bliss.

Because the last few months have been pure HELL worrying about the Dreaded Anniversary.

Let's face it. .  . as our names would imply, Drip Dry and I are not what you might call celebratory people.

Oh, we might celebrate.   But in our own way.  Neither of us really wants to be the center of attention.  And the thought of someone throwing us a !SURPRISE! party was driving me stark-staring-out-of-my-ever-loving-mind (as if I need some help in that department. . .)

Add to that the little church function that I got us involved in. .  . renewing our vows along with 60 other couples?  Was I crazy to think that Drip Dry would ever go for that???  Thank the heavens above that the Good Lord had the foresight to bypass that little marital tiff by sending a freak snow storm on Halloween. Truth be told. . . to rent a husband just to save face with the work crowd for the day would have been a wee-bit troublesome.

But it's over now.

Case closed.

Stick a fork in it.

You see, it hasn't always been perfect. . .  it hasn't always been sane. . . but it's been. . . this marriage thing has been. . .

Well, for 25 years, it's been there!

And, yes, that's something to celebrate!