Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Got the world on a string. . . (and I don't mean a G-string)

Got the world on a string
sittin' on a rainbow
got the string tied around my finger
what a world. . . what a life. . .
I'm in love. . .
- Ted Koehler

I completely glommed on to Adlibby's idea last night and gave my blog a new facelift. Do you like it? I was afraid that I would wake up this morning with blogger's remorse, but when I awakened and saw my little leprechaun winking at me - I knew I was in love! (Of course, he's not winking at you because he's down on the next post. You get to look at tinkerbell now, but she's doing her best to look cute for you - I dare say she almost looks coy. . . a little hussie-ish or coquettish, if I do say so myself. . . you know, like she's wearing a G-string or something . . . no wonder those boys never wanted to grow up. . . . )

But I digress!

I couldn't wait to get to work this morning because I knew it was going to be a perfect day. . . .

Knew that my boss (the good "Father") would be on the golf course for the first time since the fall. Alleluia!!! (Whoops, I forgot . . . we buried that word for lent.)

Knew that the parish secretary had scheduled the day off. . .

Knew that the office assistant doesn't work on Wednesdays. . .

And so I carried my blogging boots into work, placed them under my desk, made myself a pot of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. . . sat down at my sunny little desk . . . beside my sunny window . . . with the sunny little daffodils on it . . . and here I am . . . blogging at work!!! It's a miracle! I'm happy!

And you know what else is a miracle??? (Well, maybe not a miracle, per se, perhaps more like a good omen. . .) I was a wee bit on the early side this morning and so I saw the perfect children of the woman with the perfect coats at their bus stop with their Grandpa (yes, my friends, at times the extended family stands at the bus stop to see the perfect children off to school) and they were fighting!!!!! The perfect children were fighting!!! So I gave them a little Toot! Toot! with my horn and proceeded on with my perfect day.

What a world. . . what a life. . .

And I dare anyone to try and mess it up for me today!!!!!

p.s. Well maybe someone better try to mess it up, because my next task is to write a post for Secret Spineless Whine and I'm not sure I know how to whine when I'm happy. . . Bring it on, people!!!