Apologies are being accepted here.
Oh. . . and just in case any/all of you have trouble with the phraseology of said apologies, I suggest you try the following. . .
I'm sorry I didn't call you. I'm sorry I hung up on you. I'm sorry I called you at work to say I'm sorry that I hung up on you, 'cause I know that you know that I know that you can't talk there. . .
I'm sorry I lost my debit card. I'm sorry used my debit card once-too-often. I'm sorry I accused you of not teaching our daughters how to be financially responsible.
I'm sorry I yelled. I'm sorry I bitched. I'm sorry I gave you the silent treatment.
I'm sorry to tell you that even though I swore I wouldn't go on my little country-hopping jaunt, I'm still going.
Or how about this one???
I'm sorry that, after countless panicked phone calls about the non-receipt of my debit card and absolutely insisting that you mail cash to me, I opened my mailbox only to discover that the debit card had been in there all along. . .the discovery of which does not negate the fact that - once I retrieved it - I lost it again.
I'm sorry that I was all proprietary about my therapist. I guess I can share her with other family members.
I'm sorry about the accusations . . . I'm sorry about the nit-picking. . . I'm sorry that I treat you like a doormat.
I'm sorry that I took back the at-work apology, swearing it was no longer valid.
Or why don't you all just try this???
I'm sorry that I lured you into a false sense of security and led you to believe you could abandon your anti-depression meds. . .
Or. . .
I'm sorry that I drove you to a stress-induced mac and cheese pig-out, leaving your lips chapped from the stickiness of the Velveeta?
Oh, but this all-inclusive one would hit the jackpot. . .
I'm sorry that I don't always recognize you for the beautiful, talented, selfless, wonderful mother/wife/friend/love-of-my-life that A Mom on Spin is . . . .
There must be more they need to apologize for. . . help me out here!!!!!