And once she had them back in her possession, she promptly proceeded to overdraw her checking account once again. . .
She-Who-Works-Hard-for-the-Wampum: Trig! Stop overdrawing your bank account! I just checked it again and you were overdrawn by $1.57.
She-Who-Is-Most-Broke: I didn't! I took exactly the right amount of money out! I had $26 dollars in there to start with and I withdrew $20 from the machine and I even counted in the $2 withdrawal fee that the bank charged me and then I got like a $4 latte at Starbucks.
She-Who-Works-Hard-for-the-Wampum: But did you check your balance before you did?
She-Who-Is-Most-Broke: What?
She-Who-Works-Hard-for-the-Wampum: Did you check your balance. . . like at the machine. . . before you withdrew that $20?
She-Who-Is-Most-Broke: I guess so. . . that's how I knew how much money I could withdraw. Why?
She-Who-Works-Hard-for-the-Wampum: Well, I see here that the bank also charged you a $2 balance inquiry fee at the close of the business day, which left you overdrawn by $1.57! So that's it! You have no money! You are flat broke and will remain so until you come home for your Christmas break this Friday and start babysitting.
She-Who-Is-Most-Broke: No, I'm not broke, Mom!
She-Who-Works-Hard-for-the-Wampum: Yes you are broke, Trigger!
She-Who-Is-Most-Broke: No I'm not! I found out that I can sell my books back after exams. . . and then I'll have like a hundred bucks and I'll have all the money I need to buy Christmas presents!
She-Who-Works-Hard-for-the-Wampum: Aren't they the very same books that I paid $750 for at the start of the semester? I better get one heck of a Christmas present from you, young lady. . . .