I have to admit that an awful lot of interesting discoveries have been made on the every-other-Wednesday timetable. If you remember, just two Wednesdays ago we had the bath towel/clothing/black garbage bag incident.
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but this morning was a bit boring in our household. There were no clothes left on the floor for me to store away in garbage bags. . . no hidden water bottles filled with alcohol. . . no unauthorized clothing receipts . . . . no empty pregnancy tests (just kidding - wanted to make sure you're awake). . . . I didn't even find a pair of those tanning salon goggles!
I made only three discoveries:
- One daughter sees nothing wrong with leaving abstract "hair art" on the shower wall for someone else to clean up after her.
- Tap-Tap Make-Up comes with an instructional DVD. (This way I can play the audio each morning after she goes to college and I won't miss her at all!)
- My cleaning person drives a brand new Range Rover and I drive a 1999 Plymouth Minivan with 110,000 miles on it!
You tell me. . . . Is there something wrong with this scenario????