I am happy to report that I survived my weekend in Annapolis with my daughters!
I'm not saying we didn't have our moments. . .
Like when I had to shell out $80 for their mani/pedi's while I opted to forgo any pampering for myself . . .
Or when I thought a certain daughter had purposely let the hotel room door slam in my face, although she swore that - even though we had taken the elevator to the third floor together - she didn't know I was behind her . . .
Or this morning. . . when I thought I heard the familiar sound of Tap-Tap make-up in my early morning slumberings, only to find it was the housekeeping staff across the hallway. . .
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But, I am happy to say that I didn't need to resort to the foot on the floor remedy , that a warm and glistening sun reappeared after what felt like months of cruel hibernation, that broken hearts can be temporarily mended by a gin and tonic, and that my spirits can be righted by the inhalation of the scent of my favorite Irish perfume (the application of which amounts to a scent-i-cure - worth more to me than any ped-i-cure could be) and the purchase of a new Irish wool wrap that would make even Braja proud!And so I return to you a poorer-in-wallet,
but richer-in-spirit. . .