I'm leaving you for a while.
Beachin' it.
That's right - vacation! And here are my instructions to those I leave behind. . .
To the Churchgoers . . .
Nobody die. (Okay, depart from this world if you must, but you will not get a funeral of distinction. . . )
To Trigger Who I Trust Beyond Words . . .
('Cause if I say I trust you, you just might feel compelled to earn my trust. . . .)
No parties!!!
No orgies!!!
No funny business. . . Period!!!
To my Sister and Parents Who Live Next-Door. . .
Watch Trigger!
To my Sister Who Lives up The Street. . .
Keep your eye on Trigger!
To the Cat. . .
I cleaned your litter box, you picky thing. . . no go watch Trigger!!! Oh, and enjoy your week without the dog. Who you gonna pick on now???? Perhaps someone your own size instead of our giant lab????
To the Cleaning Service Who Will Come on Wednesday. . .
If you see any evidence of any hanky-panky, call me! You have my number.
To the Guys in the Liquor Department of My Favorite Grocery Store. . .
No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, just gone away for a while. Oh, and can you tell the guys in the produce aisle for me? I'm sure they'll be going through withdrawal too.
To the Mail Carrier. . .
You probably won't notice a difference anyway, 'cause we're never great at emptying that mailbox. Just shove it all in there like you normally do.
To All My Blogging Friends. . .
I may, or may not, be posting for a while. Depends if I can pilfer wi-fi from any of the neighbors.