If there's a God of weather. . . . I would pray for sunshine.
If there's a God of knowledge. . . . I pray that I remember everything.
And if there's a God of common sense. . . I hope I've been blessed with it.
And - not that there's a separate God of thanks - but if there were, I would thank her/him for allowing me to stretch the gifts and talents he/she has given me to the MAX!
And if, by chance, someone up there is in charge of sleep???? Please send your abundant blessings upon me tonight.
For tomorrow is THE day, my friends, the culmination of my big week. . . the final event in the work/life/worship trinity. . . the "hello and goodbye" picnic for 1,200 of my closest friends. . . the day that I say goodbye to my old boss and usher in the new. . .
Wish me luck.
Oh yeah. . . and if there's a God of wine (was it Dionysus???) tell him I like mine chilled - Pinot Grigio to be exact. . .
So God (I mean the ONE God who handles all this stuff for me. . .) I'll be by to talk to you on Monday . . . . wait for my call, would you????