Hold onto your lederhosen.
Oktoberfest has arrived in our Irish-American family. (Yes, I know we're a little late, but have you never heard of Irish time?)
And what does that mean???
My sister will prepare all of her mother-in-law's cherished family recipes. . . souerbraten, kartoffel klosse, spaetzel, sauerkraut, and schnitzel. There will be offerings of authentic German potato salad with tasty little bacon bits, along with a selection of wursts . . . bratwurst, bockwurst, and knockwurst . . . the best of wursts flown in from Milwaukee just for the occasion.
(In case you're wondering . . . I plan to prepare my prized beer cheese made with only the most authentic of ingredients - wispride, cream cheese, and beer. It's all in the blending, you know. )
But a savvy reader might detect a problem with the menu.
For what will my teenage "brats" eat?
What organic non-animal product will the vegan choose? What meatless entree will the plain-old vegetarian indulge in? What foods will the self-proclaimed grazer of a chick-a-tarian find to put on her plate?
Do you remember your own mother's etiquette instructions to you when you were young and were invited to a friend's house for dinner? Now remember, even if you don't like what the hostess is serving, eat it anyway and pretend it's delicious!
Forget it!
I can just see my polite daughters now. . . Excuse me, Aunt Bridget, but do you have any organic mixed baby greens with roasted pine nuts and dried cage-free cranberries? Or how about some sushi cucumber rolls? We'll even settle for some whole wheat farfalle with pesto.
Well, my darlings, a quick trip to the grocery store has warded off these problems and - let me tell you - do I have a treat for you. . .
Tofu dogs on whole wheat buns covered in organic sauerkraut!!!
Yes, my friends, my polite daughters will gobble the "wurst" of those dogs down and profess to love them!
A toast to my drie tochter -
Eins, Zwei, Drei! Tofu!