I sometimes think faster than I type. . . or perhaps I type faster than I think. . .
Whatever - I'm a tad dyslexic to boot.
But lately I've begun to notice something quite odd. Although I fully intend to type the word "daughter," it somehow comes out reading "daugther. " And, believe it or not, my eye doesn't pick up the spelling error. When running a spell check on my blog's entry before publishing (and sometimes after) invariably there will be one or two misspelled "daugther"s.
It just hit me! This must be some deep-seated-Freudian trait because any therapist whose physchoanalytic skills were worth their salt would see that "daugther" could very easily be dyslexically morphed into a new mantra.
Daugther . . . .
Daudt her. . . .
Doudt her. . . .
Daubt her. . . .
Doubt her . . . .
Doubt Her!!!
Yes! She is my daughter but she is also my doubt her!
I am the proud mother of three Doubt Hers!!!
Yup - there's no bout a-doubt it . . . I have discovered a new mantra - and a quite useful one at that.