Has there ever been a mother or a daughter in the history of womankind who could say I'm sorry! and resist the urge to follow it with the word, But?
I'm so sorry dear, but . . . . I was only trying to do what's best for you!
You know I'm sorry, but . . . . you just got me so angry when you ____________ (fill in the blank.)
I'm sorry, but . . . . I thought you said you told your sister all about that!
I told you! I'm sorry . . . NOW BUTT OUT!!!!!!! (Like I said, that But(t) works its way into the conversation one way or another!)
If I had to speak truthfully here, I'd have to admit that I didn't mean to just say I'm sorry when I went into her room to apologize.
Truth be told, I really meant, I'm sorry, but. . . .
And now I wonder why my "apology" wasn't a hit???
Perhaps I should go back in and try a different tact. . .
I meant to, but. . . .
I would never have, but. . .
I'm really am a good mother, but. . .