I announced to everyone within earshot that it was our 23rd Anniversary (even though we've only been married 22 years - whoops!)
She knew it was her friend's 17th birthday because of the whole driver's license thing. (Don't worry. . . the car was purchased last year.)
I prepared for the big event by buying a card for my husband while I was in the pharmacy.
She talked her sister into bringing her to the Mall to shop with my money.
I put on a pair of jeans and my usual earth-tone colors.
She needed to go back to the drawing board because I thought she would be mistaken for a streetwalker.
I stayed in my jeans and a pair of flats
She settled for her sister's tight grey dress and black belt, black tights, and a friend's black high-heeled boots.
I hopped in my husband's car and we headed west on a leisurely drive into the country for an informal meal at a brew pub.
She left the house with no time to spare to take the train directly east into New York City for dinner and God-knows-what-else.
I drank three glasses of wine - legally.
She . . . well, I can only imagine what happened on the train into the city. (We've been on that ride before. . . )
I ordered a cheeseburger and sweet potato fries.
She ate hummus and veggies.
I came back home and fell asleep.
She went to a Korean Karaoke Bar and sang the night away.
I spent a total of $70 of my own money on my anniversary.
She spent a total of $180 of my money on her friend's birthday.
I am tired, cranky, and have a headache today.
She, somehow, is happy and fresh as a daisy!