So with all of this new-found Trust making its way through our household, Ponzi must have thought, I'm gonna get me some! because she came paddling into my room at 6:45 this morning - a teenager with a mission. . .
Ponzi: Mom, Suzie and Julie are going to the beach today. Their moms are letting them take a mental health day. Can I go with them?
Me: No
Ponzi: Why?
Me: Because I said so.
Ponzi: But why not????
Me: I don't have to explain it to you. My answer is no.
Ponzi: Why won't you tell me why not????
Me: You want an answer???? I'll give you why not. . . becauseyoujustfreakin'frackin'gotbackfromtheGDbeachyesterdaywhereyourfatherandIdroveyouagainstourbetterjudmentand youwouldn'teventellmehowtheretreatwentandifanyoneneedsamentalhealthdayit'smeforputtingupwiththelikesof you,sotrustme!yourmentalhealthisjustfine!!!!!!!!!!
At which point, Ponzi turned and stormed out of the room.
I'm sure you're all reassured to know that - when it comes to doling out permission - I haven't completely lost my marbles. . .
Oh, and p.s.??? She's gonna do it one day. . . just to let you know. . .