I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.
~Edward Everett Hale
For all who are wondering. . .
Yes, Daughter Number One made it home from her service trip to Guatemala safe and sound. . . and, Yes, she loved it. . . and No, she didn't even mind the bugs. . . and Yes, she desperately wants to go back for her spring break. . . and Yes, she still wants to join the Peace Corps when she graduates in May. . . and Yes, in an unpredictably strange way, her mother has come around to her decision. . . and Yes, her often reticent mother is proud of her!
While there she helped to build a home for a poor Mayan family . . .
Each home costs approximately $3,000, which covers the cost of the construction materials, transportation, salaries, rent, office expenses, etc. Our homes are 13 x 19 foot homes, made entirely of concrete block, with cement floor, corrugated metal roof, with skylight, a metal door with lock, and a metal-framed window with glass. The home is stuccoed and painted inside and out with colors chosen by the home owner. A plaque with your name will be placed on the home honoring your donation.
Don't forget to check out their site http://www.fromhousestohomes.org/